UNIDO is the specialized agency of the United Nations that promotes inclusive and sustainable industrialization.
UNIDO’s first activity in Lebanon dates back to 1971. Since then more than one hundred technical cooperation projects have been executed to promote industrial development for poverty reduction, inclusive globalization and environmental sustainability.
The UNIDO office in Beirut was established in 1999 in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry. Leveraging its wide-ranging specialized expertise.
UNIDO has been responding to development challenges in Lebanon by implementing projects oriented to reduce poverty through productive activities, integrating the country in global trade through trade capacity-building, fostering environmental sustainability in industry, and improving access to clean energy.
UNIDO is currently engaged with the Government of Lebanon and its private sector in initiatives that relate to: development of industrial zones, agri-business development, small and medium enterprise development, supporting clusters of creative industries, human security projects in vulnerable area affected by high number of Syrian refugees, energy efficiency and renewable energy.